1.Cong Chen, Ming Gao, Hongyu Mu, Xiaoyan Zeng. Effect of kerf characteristics on weld porosity of laser cutting-welding of AA2219 aluminum alloy. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 494: 1036-1043. (Q1, Top期刊, IF: 5.155)
2.Chen Zhang, Yan Yu, Cong Chen*, Xiaoyan Zeng, Ming Gao. Suppressing porosity of a laser keyhole welded Al-6Mg alloy via beam oscillation. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2019. (Q1, IF: 4.178)
3.Cong Chen, Yiping Shen, Ming Gao, Xiaoyan Zeng. Influence of welding angle on the weld morphology and porosity in laser-arc hybrid welding of AA2219 aluminum alloy. Welding in the world, 2019. (Q3, IF:1.278)
4.Cong Chen, Ming, Gao, Hongyu Mu, Xiaoyan Zeng. Microstructure and mechanical properties in three-dimensional laser-arc hybrid welding of AA2219 aluminum alloy. Journal of Laser Applications, 2019, 31: 032005 (Q3, IF: 1.443)
5.Cong Chen, Ming Gao, Xiaoyan Zeng. Relationship between temperature at cut front edge and kerf quality in fiber laser cutting of Al-Cu aluminum alloy. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture. 2016, 10: 58-64. (Q1, Top期刊, IF: 3.995)
6.Cong Chen, Ming Gao, Ming Jiang, Xiaoyan Zeng. Surface Morphological Features of Fiber Cuttingg of AA2219 Aluminum Alloy. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2016, 1: 1-8. (Q2, IF: 2.209)
7.Ming Gao, Cong Chen, Lianbo Guo, Zemin Wang, Xiaoyan Zeng. Characteristics of Plasma Plume in Fiber Laser Welding of Aluminum Alloy. Applied Surface Science, 2015, 326: 181-186. (Q1, Top期刊, IF:3.387, 导师一作, 本人二作)
8.Ming Gao, Cong Chen, Wang Lei, Zemin Wang, Xiaoyan Zeng. Laser-Arc Hybrid Welding of Dissimilar Titanium Alloy and Stainless Steel Using Copper Wire. Metallurgical and Materials Transaction A, 2015, 46: 2007-2020 (Q1, IF:1.874, 导师一作, 本人二作)
9.Ming Gao, Cong Chen, Yunze Gu, Xiaoyan Zeng. Microstructure and tensile behavior of Laser Arc Hydrid Welded Dissimilar Al and Ti Alloys. Materials, 2014, 7: 1590-1602. (Q1, IF: 2.654, 导师一作, 本人二作)
10.Ming Gao, Cong Chen, Shuwen Mei, Wang Lei, Xiaoyan Zeng. Parameter Optimization and Mechanism of Laser-Arc Hybrid Welding of Dissimilar Al Alloy and Stainless Steel. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2014, 74: 199-208. (Q2, IF: 2.209, 导师一作, 本人二作)
11.Yulong Chen, Cong Chen, Ming Gao, Xiaoyan Zeng. Achieving High Strength Joint of Pure Copper Via Laser-Cold Metal Transfer Arc Hybrid Welding. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2016, 47:2866-2874. (Q1, IF: 1.874)
1.陈聪,高明,顾云泽,王磊,杨欢庆,曾晓雁. 光纤激光切割铝合金薄板工艺特性研究. 中国激光, 2014, 41: 1-7.
2.沈义平, 陈聪*, 高明, 成群林, 李中权, 曾晓雁. 光纤激光切割中厚铝合金板工艺特性研究. 中国激光, 2019, 46(1): 1-8. (通讯作者)
1.Cong Chen, Ming Gao, Ming Jiang, Xiaoyan Zeng. Surface Morphological Features of Fiber Laser Cutting of AA2219 Aluminum Alloy. ICALEO. 2015.
2.陈聪, 高明, 曾晓雁. 铝合金光纤激光切焊一体化工艺研究. 第二十三届全国激光学术会议-激光精密加工, 2018.
3.陈聪,高明,顾云泽,曾晓雁. AA6061铝合金薄板光纤激光切割工艺研究. 中国机械工程学会第十八次全国焊接学术会议论文集—S06切割, 2013.
1.高明,曾晓雁,陈聪. 一种防止光纤缠绕的多轴数控加工系统可更换两坐标激光加工头. 专利号: 201510979978.1
2.高明,曾晓雁,陈聪. 一种高速铣削-激光切焊复合加工工艺及其可重组多轴数控加工系统. 专利号: 201510995346.4